Wednesday, September 15, 2010


There is no marine recreational fishing license in Hawaii for either residents or visitors, so you don't need to worry about that as long as you don't sell your catch. There are a few locations where shoreline fishing is prohibited,but hopefully, they will be posted. It is best to be up on the regulations.

 This is going to be the one  to look forward to. I wonder how many will be fishing

Better stick just to the charters for this one. I really would like to keep it light and have less baggage to board with.
So...come on you Hawaiians...  on the main island, send in your favorite fishing charter for review and let's just.... get this show on the road!
Those of you that live on the smaller islands, send in that secret fishing hole you want to share! Got a rod and reel I can borrow?
The more fishing spots we get, the longer we will be able to stay .... in your beautiful state. Sure would be nice to be able to fish each and every one....
so get in touch.  

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