Monday, October 3, 2011


Iowas’s lakes and ponds number in the thousands. Many are well stocked and managed by the Iowa DNR. There is abundant fishing, especially for panfish like crappie and bluegill. Several lakes are fishing destination choices for muskie, northern pike and walleye. Think we will try, Lee County.

Know any good spots?

For diversity of fish to catch, head to one of Iowa’s rivers or streams.
Iowa’s interior rivers are known for growing large-sized fish....
and lots of them.
In one trip an angler could catch a dozen or more different species,
including prized-size catfish,
walleye and small mouth bass., finance, financial, investing, lending, borrowing, banking, credit card, payday, borrowers, lenders, debt consolidation, Prosper, investment, personal loans, personal loan, investors, investment opportunities,

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